
3 Weeks
Disclaimer: Series of treatment is needed depending on skin discoloration.
Results may vary from person to person. Contact us for more inforation.
Intimate bleaching will lighten and even out your skin tone to your most intimate areas (underarms, elbows, knees, groin, inner thigh, pubic area and anus). This treatment is meant to be done in 4-6 sessions to see noticeable results.
This treatment is great for first timers, but if pregnant, breastfeeding or if you have any skin condition/STD please ask your physician if this treatment is right for you.
DO NOT SHAVE/ WAX 7- 10 days before or after the treatment.
What is Intimate Bleaching?
Intimate bleaching will lighten and even out your skin tone to your most intimate areas (underarms, elbows, knees, groin, inner thigh, pubic area and anus). This treatment is meant to be done in 4-6 sessions to see noticeable results.
Why is Skin Around Intimate Areas Such a Problem?
Intimate areas are usually covered by a layer, or several layers of clothing year round every day. They are also in constant close contact with other areas of the body. Heat, close contact, and rubbing against clothing layers cause these areas of skin to darken over time.
What Does Intimate Bleaching Entail?
In order to bleach intimate areas, several compounds of botanicals and other acids must be applied. In the past, chemicals were the preferred substances for bleaching, but modern beauty science provides less abrasive treatments.


(25 mins)
$ 60

Anal or Vaginal Bleaching
$ 120

Inner Thigh
$ 170

$ 100

Home Care Kit (Cleanser, Bleaching Lotion, Bleaching Serum)
$ 80